Termed the Arboreel Program, it addresses the initiation of actions which will greatly improve the usage of energy and water, and the minimization of waste through recycling and reuse. We can all agree that improving a building's sustainability is a good thing and it's NOW time to act! Arboreel will be good for you, your family, your community, and your bottom line as it will foster significant saving on the spiraling costs of energy and water. In the future, the real estate marketplace will strongly favor and place a premium value on green buildings; therefore, it behooves every cinema owner/investor to build or upgrade to green standards and that is where Arboreel comes in.
You will be hearing more about the Arboreel Program and the many benefits it will bring to your cinema and the exhibition industry. Its formal introduction will be in April at the 2009 ShoWest convention. More information on the where, when, and who will be forthcoming. Plan on attending! It will be well worth your time and effort.
Providing valid information always helps to visualize a problem - so here are a few reasons why you should consider participating in the Arboreel Program and which demonstrate the enormity of the problems we all face:
- According to the Consumer Electronics Association over 426,000 cell phones are "retired" in the U.S. EVERYDAY!
- If every commuter carried just one more passenger the U.S. would save 600,000 gallons of gasoline and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 12 million pounds EVERYDAY!
- PC screen savers DON'T save energy! - Turn PCs and Laptops OFF!
- The average office worker discards over 175 pounds of office paper every year - use recycled paper - which takes 64% less energy and 58% less water to manufacture than new paper.