Members of the IATSE (Intl. Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) are planning a strike over long production hours among other issues.
To bolster their cause they requested that all members cancel streaming subscriptions and went online asking the public to do the same.
Are they kidding? It's a joke right?
I should cancel my subscription to Netflix in support of the IATSE - who are these people anyway?
Given their scale, the impact of a few subscription cancelations to the likes of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and Disney is meaningless. In fact, at the moment, Netflix is offering its content free of charge to the whole country of Keyna.
The best the IATSE can hope for is to call attention to their cause.
I should mention that one of the sticking points in the negotiations is that streamers with less than 20 million subscribers pay lower wages, ie. Apple + and Paramount +, then the larger streamers. Streamers in general also pay lower residual rates to the union pension and health plans than the studios.
The wage disparity is large. For example, a lighting tech receives $15/hour from the smaller streamers and $45/hour from the larger ones. Another sore point is what is termed, 'Fraturdays' - workdays that start on Friday morning and end on Saturday morning.
Hmm... should I cancel my subs in support? Soon Netflix will be offering gaming. I am supporting the IATSE by writing this article - well I am.