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Monday, September 13, 2010


Consumers have shifted away from purchasing DVDs to rental and in the home video rental arena - Netflix and RedBox are the only games in town. Both companies saw an opportunity to provide more convenient and less-expensive ways for consumers to rent movies and both have benefited mightily. Movie rental stores like Movie Gallery and Hollywood Video have closed, and Blockbuster is struggling to stay afloat. But the future in home movie viewing is all about internet downloads and streaming, and when it comes to internet distribution Netflix and RedBox (which both have movie streaming initiatives) will face heavy competition from the likes of Amazon, AT&T, Google, and Microsoft to just name several.

I expect physical DVDs to be around for some time but there will be a continuous shift to movies delivered via broadband internet streaming.

So the movie industry is changing and every movie exhibitor should be thinking about the future and making plans now to confront the opportunities and uncertainties the future will bring.

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