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Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Graze at the all-you-can-eat internet buffet while you can because the unmetered use of the U.S. internet is coming to an endAT&T and Comcast, two of the largest U.S. ISPs (internet service providers) have already imposed bandwidth caps on subscribers.  Time/Warner is going to institute meter usage shortly.  The days of the unlimited usage contract is over. The problem stems from the fact that our hunger for more bandwidth has grown to the point that it is overwhelming the system.
For the time being the ISPs are setting a high cap - 100 to 250 gigs/month, but above that limit, users will pay a per gig charge (which will be expensive). For example, the Canadian internet governing body has already imposed usage caps. In Canada , what was 200 gig/month (or unlimited) is now limited (capped) at 25 gigs.  Usage above that cap costs $2/gig.

Given that networkers will be using more and more gigs for video downloads the cost of service will increase and it will also eliminate the frivolous use of voice, text, and video downloads that now permeate the internet.

Common downloads and bandwidth use are:
  • Music CD - .03 gigs
  • 30 Minute TV Show from Hulu in standard definition - .15 gigs
  • 20 minute HDTV Show - .42 gigs
  • Movie streamed from  Netflix in HD - 3.40 gigs
  • Movie Blu-ray quality - 22.0 gigs
  • Streaming 3 movies in 1080p HD - 41. 6 gigs
          Source: Wired Magazine, August 2011

Best and Happy Movie Going!
Jim Lavorato

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