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Saturday, April 17, 2021

Perfect Casting: The Weinstein Saga

 If you were casting for a biopic on the whole sorted Weinstein saga you couldn't get a better portrayer for the Weinstein role than Harvey himself.

Look at Harvey. If there were anyone that fit the role of a sexual predator it's this guy.

"I'm Losing Teeth. Four So Far!"

Harvey's extradition to LA continues to be delayed. On April 12th Weinstein's attorney requested postponement due to "his client's scheduled critical health procedures, to treat his failing vision and save his teeth." Norman Effman, Weinstein's lead attorney, told the judge, "he is almost totally blind and in need of surgery and shots. He's also has major dental issues. He's already lost four teeth at this point". Arguing that leaving New York, where he is serving a 23 year sentence for rape and sexual assault charges, would be an undo hardship on Harvey. 

Los Angeles filed sexual charges against Weinstein on January 6, 2020. He is accused of rape and sexual assault in a number of separate incidents. If convicted on all counts the penalty would be over 140 years.  

"We believe we have a very good defense on all of the California charges and believe it will result in an acquittal" said Effman.

Judge Kenneth Case said that even if he ordered extradition, Weinstein has the right of appeal. So, he granted the request to postpone until April 20 the filing of papers opposing the extradition.

In a separate request, filed on April 6th, Weinstein asked the New York Court of Appeals to throw-out his conviction and grant him a new trial, stating that the Judge in his first case made several errors that denied him an impartial jury. We await the Appeal Court's decision on whether to hear the appeal or not.

And so, the saga continues. 

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