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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hollywood - Killing The Golden Goose

Weinstein: Hollywood's Avatar
I guess you can't write a blog about news and commentary regarding the cinema industry and not address the recent and on-going Weinstein sex crimes scandal.  Unfortunately, Hollywood's problem runs much deeper and is changing the way the average moviegoer views the people that control and star in films.  More importantly, I believe, people are going to address their displeasure by not going to view films at cinemas, and will simply stay at home and very selectively pick and choose the films or TV shows they wish to see.

Everyone who is anyone in Hollywood knew of Weinstein's sexual predator conduct over the last 30+ years and to say otherwise shows how corrupt they really are.  Hollywood has become a nepotistic, greedy, cruel, and false place run by megalomaniacs - and everyone knows it.  The veil has been lifted regarding the totally corrupt, self-centered, misogynistic egos of this privileged, filthy rich caste that is now called Hollywood - tacitly endorsed, I might add, by many of the top females in the industry.

Birds of a Feather
Pontificating on political and social issues while living in compounds and estates, constantly presenting each other with awards and accolades, and living in a world so remote from the average that their only concerns are stroking their egos, buying homes, cars, jewelry, and over-the-top what-evers. Sex, drugs, overdoses, rehabs, reinvents, remakes, it's all about second chances, and re-finding yourself for the glitterati.    From Streep to Clooney, from DeNiro to Lawrence and all the way to Weinstein the whole thing stinks.  And it has got to change for it to survive.

Harvey Weinstein is the perfect avatar for Hollywood. A fat, sloppy, self-indulged, 'Aqualung' figure. A pig of a man who used his position, wealth, and cruel cunning to feed his sexual needs at the expense of young women and their naive view of the perverse Hollywood culture.

The Hollywood elite have it made yet they are traveling down a road of self-destruct.  Killing the goose that laid their golden egg they quickly need to reassess and shed their facade of phony liberal do-gooderism and address their dark-side and inner demons. If they don't they will loose their audience and not only them but the local cinema will suffer - and that is what I care about.

Jim Lavorato
Entertainment Equipment Corp.

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