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Sunday, June 25, 2023

Worlds Largest LED Cinema Screen

 Yes, LED screens are now cinema-sized and DCI-compliant.  Could this be the wave of the future for movie exhibition?

Timewaying's - LED cinema screen

On May 18th, Timewaying Ltd., a Chinese tech firm unveiled the world's largest LED for movie exhibition with a screen 65ft wide x 35ft high. DCI-certified, the screen is multifunctional for movies, live performances, conferencing, seminars, and even gaming. It also allows for naked-eye 3D viewing.

Currently, there are three main issues impacting cinema exhibition: limited content diversity, a lack of a really immersive experience, and a need for more social connection. Timewaying believes their screen solves all of these issues.

Without the need for a projection room, all that is required is space for sound system components.  Ultra-narrow width, high-powered speaker arrays are utilized that fit right into the rim of the screen.

Everything for your Cinema

LED screens are probably in cinema exhibitions' future but are a long way off. No price was given by Timewaying for the screen; however, they did announce that they were launching a financing plan for Chinese clients only.

CMG believes AI's creative abilities and iterative updating in restoration technology will provide new opportunities for the cinema industry. Playback on a large format, 4K, LED screen with 3D capability may provide the elusive fully immersive experience the future moviegoer will demand. 

By: Jim Lavorato, Entertainment Equipment Corp.

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