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Thursday, May 05, 2011


A Zettabyte is a term for an amount of digital data.  A ZB is equal to 1 billion terrabytes or 1 trillion gigabytes - it's a 1 with 21 zeros behind it - basically a shit-load of data. But why would a zettabyte be so important to the cinema?   Because 2011 will mark the first year that humanity will generate more than a zettabyte of  digital data and points to how much data (including movies) is being streamed to countless digital devices.  In fact, at the current rate of increase, by 2020 humans will be creating 35 zettabytes of data per year.

The fact that movies will be available not only at cinema theatres or on a DVD but accessible on a slew of devices from tablets to webTV is a terrible precursor for the cinema.  Those that frequent this blog know that for a long time I have been preaching that cinema exhibitors must change their business model if they want to survive in the digital world, and it is becoming increasingly evident that this will prove out to be a true prognostication.

The next generation will be more adapt at manipulating information and data at all levels. A recent study by IpsosOTX-MediaCT (the folks that study the impact of the media on people) found that children as young as 6 years of age are playing video games, using social media sites, and playing videos - and that these activities make up more than 25% of a 6-12 year old's waking life.

What this suggests is that content providers can reach a broad range of age groups through a wider range of delivery mechanisms.  Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, the official guidelines for interacting with the internet is being disregarded.  For example, Facebook is officially ban for children under 13, however, the OTX-MediaCT study found that over 40%
of 10-12 year olds are already on Facebook. For movies, 70% of children 10-13 are viewing PG13 films on a regular basis. What this suggests, is that heeding warning or ratings by viewers (whoever they may be)  regarding content appropriateness is not relevant!

It's going to be a no-holds-barred as content providers seek best source (and most lucrative)  deals for movies.  The cinema theatre will become just one of many distribution points in the future.

Best and Happy Movie Going
Jim Lavorato

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