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Sunday, December 22, 2019

How Cinemas Survive The Next Decade

 The debate over theatrical release vs. online streaming of films has every player is the entertainment industry choosing sides. CMG, is taking a different tact. 

Online competition is fierce, but cinemas will survive
We believe the theatrical experience of movie viewing is highly desired by consumers and content providers (studios and streamers) alike. Viewing of movies on the silver screen with proper sound and proper scale is a requirement for enjoying great entertainment the way it was meant to be viewed. Yet, for many consumers, the convenience of watching a film on a PC, tablet, or phone is the only way to view it.

So the answer to the debate, from CMG's viewpoint, is that all content providers are needed  as the studios alone can't produce nor finance enough quality content to quench the consumers' thirst for quality entertainment - the Netflixs of the world are needed. There is no logical reason why cinemas can't screen the streamers original content in addition to studio generated films.

Entertainment Equipment
Humans communicate through stories and movies are a great storytelling medium. We need cinemas as the conduit to see what artists have to say about our society, our culture, our world in a provocative and entertaining way.

Cinemas provide the venues for great stories to be told by great artists and it is not only the high-impact action super hero films but all types of films.

This is not an either/or issue it is about providing cinemas with a steady stream of good 'big screen' content of all genres from all sources.

Jim Lavorato
Entertainment Equipment Corp.

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