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Saturday, November 19, 2011


Cinema Mucho Gusto coined the phrase "3D fatigue"  when I pointed out (over 3 years ago) that moviegoers would tire of the less than satisfactory 3D product Hollywood was releasing.  Other blogs and entertainment reporters echoed CMG's viewpoint, and now (finally) the studios are realizing their mistake in releasing movies in 3D that abused the format.
Going forward, 3D releases will be decreasing - at least - over the next several years.  This year there will be about 40 3D releases.  According to what the studios are now forecasting, that number will be decreasing by 25% in 2012 to 30 3D releases and to only 15-20 releases in 2013.
"People are feeling burned", states Jeff Bock, box office analyst at Exhibitor Relations (a firm that tracks trends of Theatre Owners) "and all the studios are pulling back on 3D."
This anticipated decline in 3D movies marks a sea-change in how the industry views the 3D technology.  3D was the tail wagging the dog. The studios thought that if you slapped 3D on a movie, presto, you have a hit - they were wrong (of course, this is nothing new, one just has to look at the Digital-cinema fiasco for unbridled stupidity).

The studios are finally learning that they need to be judicious with the use of 3D (and digital) technology. The industry - both distributors and exhibitors - continue to struggle with investments that offer diminishing or no returns.  For example, 3D admissions once totalled 60% or more of a movie's box office take, now the 3D take is less than 40%.  Several studios have even begun advertising that the films are available in "glasses free 2D".
Yes, 3D to 2D conversion
If you look at what works, its the selective 3D - a classic movie like The Lion King - but not every mediocre action pic that comes down the pike and certainly not 3D from 2D conversions.

Readers of this blog know I want the cinema industry to thrive and prosper. To do so emphasis and investment should be placed on improving the movie going experience and not on investments in expensive, non-productive, non-revenue generating digital projection equipment!

Cheers and Happy Movie Going!
Jim Lavorato

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