Bold and binge-friendly 'cinematic-look' content that is edgy and gripping - these are the new criteria consumers are looking for and producers striving for in content delivery. Content must be smart, well-written, and perfectly executed. The content game is upping the ante every day for writers and directors.
While broadcast and basic cable must still answer to advertisers who may be unhappy about risque' content, it's clear provocative content is becoming the norm throughout the entire spectrum from cinema to regular broadcast.
X Football League : Getting the viewer involved. |
The entertainment landscape is changing. It is getting wider, deeper, and much more competitive. Players in the arena range from Verizon to Twitch and everything in-between. From movies to eSports it's all about getting consumers to watch, and (now) participate in (ie. the new XFL U.S. football league) and become engaged with.
Tiered admission pricing must be given great consideration!
Cinema has been entertaining the 'masses' for over 100 years and I see no end in sight for this 'viewing' venue. With the tsunami of content being produced there is no shortage of product for 'cinematic' viewing. The trick is that cinema exhibitors must embrace a wider variety of content sources and choose which best 'fits' their local audience.
Screening movies from a handful of Hollywood studios will spell doom for movie exhibitors. They must partner-up with ALL of the content providers in the expanding entertainment landscape.
Additionally, the issue of tiered admission pricing based upon the movie must be given great consideration. Charging different admissions for different movies is a sound one with lots of retail marketplace precedent, and which fits in perfectly with the offering of a wide variety of content from various sources.
For cinema exhibition to remain viable and profitable operational change is required.
Jim Lavorato, President, Entertainment Equipment Corp.