French Movie Ratings Grapple With Sexual Content
Sex and the cinema has always been simpatico in France, but the times they are a changing, as the French government is contemplating altering its movie rating protocol. Spurred on by a general trend toward a more conservative posture by many European governments due to social insecurity and terrorism the cinema is in the cross-hairs.
The French movie rating system is regulated by the National Film Board. It rates films into one of four categories: All audiences, 12 years and older (no one under 12 admitted), 16 years and older and 18 years and older. More and more, the Film Board, under pressure from any number of social groups, have capitulated and given more provocative films, which would normally receive a 16 rating the more restrictive 18 rating.
Eva Husson, a French film-maker, speaking on behalf of the French movie industry, stated "We're seeing a blossoming of a conservative movement that threatens to abolish rights and liberties we have known for at least 50 years."
The problem stems (like most issues) from money. A 16 rating restricts a film's commercial value and an 18 kills it! Most exhibitors opt out of screening 18 rated films, not because of limited audiences but because they have to pay a higher sales tax on 18 films (16% vs. the normal 11%). This also impacts TV airings, as movies with a 16 are not allowed prime-time slots and 18 films are ban altogether except on pay-TV and can air only after midnight - a slot usually dedicated for French porn films.
Recently, the French Ministry of Culture has weighed in, as French film-makers believe they are losing their freedom of expression (not to mention cash) and the current rating system is eroding the long-held French tradition of dealing frankly with sexual themes. The Ministry wants to reform the rating system to a more content driven one; whereby, an 18 rating would be given only to films that have overt sexual or ultra-violent scenes.
Tribeca: From Film Fest to Slug Fest
The angry debate over whether or not to vaccinate young children against MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) has been raging for years. The crux of the issue is that a small, but very vocal, group say that the MMR vaccine has a direct causal link to autism.
Now, a new documentary entitled: 'From Cover-up to Catastrophe - Vaxxed' has stirred a huge controversy as it is going to be screened at the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival in NYC, and the backlash for including this anti-vaccine movie has been swift and widespread.
The film was made by Andrew Wakefield, a discredited phyician who license to practice was revoked when he published a study of the vaccine controversy that was found to be totally false and filled with bogus data.
Last week, Robert DeNiro, co-founder of the Tribeca Fest defended the decision to include Wakefield's film, saying "In the 15 years since the Tribeca Festival was founded, I have never asked for a film to be screened or gotten involved in the programming. However, this is very personal to me (DeNiro has an autistic child) and I want there to be a discussion which is why we will be screening 'VAXXED'. I am not personally endorsing the film nor am I anti-vaccination, I am only providing the opportunity for a conversion about the issue",
CMG thinks DeNiro is in denial. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control , after extensive studies has stated unequivically that there is no link between the MMR vaccination and autism - period! Numerous studies have been conducted over the years by various health organizations worldwide and all have stated that there is no causal link between the two.
The anti-vaccine advocates, however, claim that Thimerosal, a preservative once used in vaccines is responsible for causing autism, claiming that the U.S. Government has conspired with the drug companies to cover up the truth. Used for over 70 years to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi in vaccines, Thimerosal is not widely used today, as vaccines are no longer stored in large multi-dose vials but are now stored in individual vials or in pre-filled syringes where a preservative is not required.
The decision to screen 'Vaxxed' has also received flax from the creative film community. Docu producer Penny Lane, writing on behalf of many film-makers in 'Filmmaker Magazine' stated that the Festival's decision to screen 'Vaxxed', "threatens the credibility of not just the other filmmakers in your doc slate, but the field in general. This film is not some sort of disinterested investigation into the vaccines cause autism hoax; this film is directed by the person who perpetuated the hoax."
CMG wonders why the Tribeca Film Festival and Robert DeNiro want to enable a hack and charlatan to spew false medical information. It serves no useful purpose and can cause harm if parents opt-out of permitting their children the MMR vaccine to their detriment.
LATE BREAKING: Today, Robert DeNiro reversed his decision to screen 'Vaxxed' and has dropped the film from the Tribeca Film Festival slate of movies. After discussion with the Tribeca Fest organizers and the scientific community DeNiro issued this statement, "We do not believe it contributes to or furthers the discussion I had hoped for."
Yours truly,
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Bingers Rule

These changes in entertainment content viewing present a two-edged sword: on the one hand it threatens traditional media business models, but. on the other, also presents great opportunity for content providers, particularly Hollywood, to reach the next generation.
Kevin Westcott, a media consultant told CMG, "Millenials are streaming more than watching TV, they value streaming more than TV, and when they do watch TV they are doing, on average, four other things at the same time."
36% of Americans binge-view movies or TV shows on a weekly basis. Dramas are most popular among bingers followed by comedies, and than reality TV shows. "Television is still very powerful but for younger generations social media has eclipsed TV", says Westcott.
Binge viewing is good for the cinema, most notably for franchise films. It gets people interested in the series and paves the way to viewing the next installment on the 'big' screen. Traditional broadcast TV is losing its audience and will continue to do so, as more and more people pick and choose what they watch, when they watch, and on what platform they watch.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
The new rule at many cinemas is 'No 6 After 6' - no children 6 years or younger are allowed into the cinema after 6pm to view an 'R'-rated movie.
At what age should children not be allowed into evening movie shows. Some say 6 is the magic number and many in the cinema business agree.
Barring children under age 6 from seeing an 'R' rated film after 6pm provides for a better movie experience for adults. Any cinema operator will tell you that the most complaints they receive is customers bothered by noisy and restless children particularly when viewing adult movies.
Some circuits, like Regal Cinemas, have gone farther than the 'No 6 After 6' policy and are enforcing the rule at all screenings. Amy Miles, CEO of Regal told CMG, "At Regal, it's our job to provide the best moviegoing experience, and we want to make sure there are minimal interruptions during 'R'-rated movies. We best achieve this by controlling the number of children viewing these films."
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) which rates films, stipulates that anyone under the age of 17 attending an 'R'-rated movie must be accompanied by an adult (21 years or older). The new 'No 6 After 6' tightens the MPAA rule, but, so far, no Hollywood studio has raised objection to the new policy.
There may be some push-back from adult patrons who bring small children to evening showings of 'R'-rated movies but cinema operators say it's worth it to keep the majority of customers happy. AMC and Cinemark, two of the largest chains along with Regal have also adopted the 'No 6 After 6' admission policy.
It appears that admission policies are coming full-circle. What once were efforts to cater to parents and children has now turned to placating adult audiences - particularly for evening presentations.
CMG is in favor of the 'No 6 After 6' policy. Regal's more stringent policy of no children 6 or less admitted to any 'R'-rated film at any time, I believe, is going in the right direction.

Barring children under age 6 from seeing an 'R' rated film after 6pm provides for a better movie experience for adults. Any cinema operator will tell you that the most complaints they receive is customers bothered by noisy and restless children particularly when viewing adult movies.
Some circuits, like Regal Cinemas, have gone farther than the 'No 6 After 6' policy and are enforcing the rule at all screenings. Amy Miles, CEO of Regal told CMG, "At Regal, it's our job to provide the best moviegoing experience, and we want to make sure there are minimal interruptions during 'R'-rated movies. We best achieve this by controlling the number of children viewing these films."
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) which rates films, stipulates that anyone under the age of 17 attending an 'R'-rated movie must be accompanied by an adult (21 years or older). The new 'No 6 After 6' tightens the MPAA rule, but, so far, no Hollywood studio has raised objection to the new policy.
There may be some push-back from adult patrons who bring small children to evening showings of 'R'-rated movies but cinema operators say it's worth it to keep the majority of customers happy. AMC and Cinemark, two of the largest chains along with Regal have also adopted the 'No 6 After 6' admission policy.
It appears that admission policies are coming full-circle. What once were efforts to cater to parents and children has now turned to placating adult audiences - particularly for evening presentations.
CMG is in favor of the 'No 6 After 6' policy. Regal's more stringent policy of no children 6 or less admitted to any 'R'-rated film at any time, I believe, is going in the right direction.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Send In The Clowns: Which Presidential Candidate Is Best For The Cinema
CMG takes a hard look and exposes how the remaining Presidential candidates would impact the cinema.
The remaining candidates for the Presidential nomination are essentially four (at this time) - two Democrats (Clinton and Sanders) and two Republicans (Trump and Cruz). Lets take them one at a time and judge their cinema-friendliness, while keeping in mind that all four are flawed and come with major Presidential short-comings.
The Dems
- Hillary Clinton is all about power. She has 100% name recognition and as Pres, if it is good for Hillary it will be done irregardless of what side of the political spectrum the issue resides. Hillary may be many things but she is first and foremost a power-hungry, legacy-driven pragmatist - not unlike many past U.S. Presidents. She gets lots of cash and verbal support from Hollywood and would be an advocate for the cinema industry. She is very comfortable with tinsel-town honchos and the relationship between H'wood and DC would be very friendly and cordial.
- Bernie Sanders is a grumpy old Marxist. As a college student I remember reading (the condensed version) of 'Das Kapital', Karl Marx's manifesto, for a philosophy class. Sanders' stump spiel is right on Marx's theory - that social progress can only be obtained through class struggle. For Sanders, the struggle is for income equality - the 1% ers vs. the lower and middle classes, and that struggle can be carried out by organized actions. We currently see this manifest itself with the protesters (Bernie's bullies) which endeavor to disrupt Trump's speeches.
Bernie is bad for the cinema. Hollywood's movers and shakers would be taxed to the hilt. Movie admissions would rise, and there could possibly be a move to film censorship. "Religion is opium for the masses" is a quote from Marx. Just substitute cinema for religion and you may have a President Sanders' quote.
The Donald - what can be said that you don't already know. Trump too, has 100% name recognition and uses it to his full benefit. To his credit, he manipulates the media like a circus ring-master and would, like Hillary, be a pragmatic and ego-driven President.
As far as the cinema goes, it would be no harm/no foul so long as Hollywood didn't pick any major fights with a Trump led administration. Trump has no political philosophy (left or right) and he's not an ideologue.
Ted Cruz, on the other hand is an ideologue. Cruz is a conservative and the antithesis of Sanders, both have rigid political views and would try to impose those policies as President. Cruz would have success at the fringes but could not 'go to the people' for support the way a Donald or Hillary could. Cruz is not a cinema guy or Hollywood supporter and therefore he disqualifies himself.
To summarize, it's time to send in the clowns and we are left with two - Clinton and Trump. Flip a coin, draw straws, pick a name out of a hat, both would be cinema/entertainment supporters. Hillary may have the inside track but on Trump's side is his ability to 'wag the dog'. You choose.
Just saying,
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We are down to four |
The remaining candidates for the Presidential nomination are essentially four (at this time) - two Democrats (Clinton and Sanders) and two Republicans (Trump and Cruz). Lets take them one at a time and judge their cinema-friendliness, while keeping in mind that all four are flawed and come with major Presidential short-comings.
The Dems
- Hillary Clinton is all about power. She has 100% name recognition and as Pres, if it is good for Hillary it will be done irregardless of what side of the political spectrum the issue resides. Hillary may be many things but she is first and foremost a power-hungry, legacy-driven pragmatist - not unlike many past U.S. Presidents. She gets lots of cash and verbal support from Hollywood and would be an advocate for the cinema industry. She is very comfortable with tinsel-town honchos and the relationship between H'wood and DC would be very friendly and cordial.
- Bernie Sanders is a grumpy old Marxist. As a college student I remember reading (the condensed version) of 'Das Kapital', Karl Marx's manifesto, for a philosophy class. Sanders' stump spiel is right on Marx's theory - that social progress can only be obtained through class struggle. For Sanders, the struggle is for income equality - the 1% ers vs. the lower and middle classes, and that struggle can be carried out by organized actions. We currently see this manifest itself with the protesters (Bernie's bullies) which endeavor to disrupt Trump's speeches.
Bernie is bad for the cinema. Hollywood's movers and shakers would be taxed to the hilt. Movie admissions would rise, and there could possibly be a move to film censorship. "Religion is opium for the masses" is a quote from Marx. Just substitute cinema for religion and you may have a President Sanders' quote.
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It started with 21 |
The Donald - what can be said that you don't already know. Trump too, has 100% name recognition and uses it to his full benefit. To his credit, he manipulates the media like a circus ring-master and would, like Hillary, be a pragmatic and ego-driven President.
As far as the cinema goes, it would be no harm/no foul so long as Hollywood didn't pick any major fights with a Trump led administration. Trump has no political philosophy (left or right) and he's not an ideologue.
Ted Cruz, on the other hand is an ideologue. Cruz is a conservative and the antithesis of Sanders, both have rigid political views and would try to impose those policies as President. Cruz would have success at the fringes but could not 'go to the people' for support the way a Donald or Hillary could. Cruz is not a cinema guy or Hollywood supporter and therefore he disqualifies himself.
To summarize, it's time to send in the clowns and we are left with two - Clinton and Trump. Flip a coin, draw straws, pick a name out of a hat, both would be cinema/entertainment supporters. Hillary may have the inside track but on Trump's side is his ability to 'wag the dog'. You choose.
Just saying,
Friday, March 18, 2016
What's Up At The Movies by Seymour Flix
Sneak-peek At Disney's (record-breaking?) 2019 Release Schedule
It looks like Disney is in for a killer year in 2019 - lots of highly anticipated sequels and more franchise pics. Here's what's on the mouse's schedule, two plus year from now:
Captain Marvel - first female-led superhero movie. The scuttlebutt is that virtually every major female star is gunning for the lead in this one. It will be BIG!
Untitled Disneytoons Production - the maker of 'Planes', Disneytoons is currently producing another animated drama for the cinema which no doubt will be a box office hit with younger audiences.
Avengers:Infinity War II - The 'Iron Man' saga continues and it won't be the last. The first two Avenger films were huge box office bruisers and this, third installment, won't disappoint - huge fan base.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The last of the Star Wars trilogy of films by Disney, this film could be the biggest grosser ever! We'll have to wait and see but my guess is that the mouse-house plans to continue the Star Wars franchise. It's just too lucrative to stop.
The Incredibles 2 - Pixar films are, for the most part, incredible and very popular with a wide age group of moviegoers. 2019 will finally see the release of the long awaited sequel to 'The Incredibles'
The Inhumans - A new, stand-alone superhero film. Rumor is that Vin Diesel will star, which means that Disney thinks this film could have sequel or even franchise potential and will green-light a mega-budget for this one.
Indiana Jones 5 - The only thing we know for sure is that this sequel will be made and that Spielberg (will direct) and Ford (will star). Fans are looking forward to a good storyline and solid action reminiscent of the first two Jones' movies. It will be good to see Jones with iconic hat, whip, pouch, and swagger back on screen.
Tinkerbell ? - In production is a live-action fantasy film which is thus far untitled. It's not known if this will be the long-anticipated 'Tinkerbell' or perhaps a sequel to 'The Jungle Book'. Disney has yet to announce but 'Tinkerbell' is the front-runner guess.
So, all of the above to be released in one year. 2019 could turn out to be the biggest, all-time grosser for any studio ever given this roster of movies - only time will tell but Disney has a good shot at it.
'Show Your Disney Side'
Another Disney happening, is a new iPhone app called, 'Show Your Disney Side'. Launched two weeks ago, by using this app you can take a selfie and hit a button and transform yourself into a Disney character - ie. a clone of hundreds of characters. Since its release, 'Show Your Disney Side' has been downloaded more than 1.5 million times with over 11.5 million Disney character transformations.
A clone of a Japanese app called Tyffon, which turns selfies into zombies, Disney saw the opportunity in swapping its animated and live-action characters instead and contracted Tyffon to make the new app a reality.
'Show Your Disney Side' is free as Disney views it a great marketing tool. Try it out!
NATO Rejects 'Screening Room' Movie Release Scheme
As a follow-up to a CMG post of March 15th, entitled 'Movie Exhibitors' Release Window Gets Shut' it appears that the Screening Room scheme of offering in-home movies day-and-date with cinemas has run into some stiff resistance.
NATO, the National Association of Theater Owners, issued a statement yesterday denouncing the Screening Room idea. Defending the notion that the traditional release schedule provides movies the ability to become an 'event' and not just another in-home pay-per-view option, NATO was having none of the Screening Room's proposal.
In a non-to veiled reference to the Screening Room plan, the theater owners group said, "NATO has consistently called on movie distributors and exhibitors to discuss, as partners, release models that can grow the business for everyone. These models should be developed in company-to-company discussions, and not by third parties."
CMG tends to agree with NATO. Why have a middleman? Cinema owners and the studios can work out a release model which takes into account the changing lifestyles of movie-viewers to the mutual benefit of both. Prediction: Screening Room will not see the light of day.
Seymour Flix
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'Incredibles' scheduled for 2019 sequel |
It looks like Disney is in for a killer year in 2019 - lots of highly anticipated sequels and more franchise pics. Here's what's on the mouse's schedule, two plus year from now:
Captain Marvel - first female-led superhero movie. The scuttlebutt is that virtually every major female star is gunning for the lead in this one. It will be BIG!
Untitled Disneytoons Production - the maker of 'Planes', Disneytoons is currently producing another animated drama for the cinema which no doubt will be a box office hit with younger audiences.
Avengers:Infinity War II - The 'Iron Man' saga continues and it won't be the last. The first two Avenger films were huge box office bruisers and this, third installment, won't disappoint - huge fan base.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The last of the Star Wars trilogy of films by Disney, this film could be the biggest grosser ever! We'll have to wait and see but my guess is that the mouse-house plans to continue the Star Wars franchise. It's just too lucrative to stop.
The Incredibles 2 - Pixar films are, for the most part, incredible and very popular with a wide age group of moviegoers. 2019 will finally see the release of the long awaited sequel to 'The Incredibles'
The Inhumans - A new, stand-alone superhero film. Rumor is that Vin Diesel will star, which means that Disney thinks this film could have sequel or even franchise potential and will green-light a mega-budget for this one.
Indiana Jones 5 - The only thing we know for sure is that this sequel will be made and that Spielberg (will direct) and Ford (will star). Fans are looking forward to a good storyline and solid action reminiscent of the first two Jones' movies. It will be good to see Jones with iconic hat, whip, pouch, and swagger back on screen.
Tinkerbell ? - In production is a live-action fantasy film which is thus far untitled. It's not known if this will be the long-anticipated 'Tinkerbell' or perhaps a sequel to 'The Jungle Book'. Disney has yet to announce but 'Tinkerbell' is the front-runner guess.
So, all of the above to be released in one year. 2019 could turn out to be the biggest, all-time grosser for any studio ever given this roster of movies - only time will tell but Disney has a good shot at it.
'Show Your Disney Side'
Another Disney happening, is a new iPhone app called, 'Show Your Disney Side'. Launched two weeks ago, by using this app you can take a selfie and hit a button and transform yourself into a Disney character - ie. a clone of hundreds of characters. Since its release, 'Show Your Disney Side' has been downloaded more than 1.5 million times with over 11.5 million Disney character transformations.
A clone of a Japanese app called Tyffon, which turns selfies into zombies, Disney saw the opportunity in swapping its animated and live-action characters instead and contracted Tyffon to make the new app a reality.
'Show Your Disney Side' is free as Disney views it a great marketing tool. Try it out!
NATO Rejects 'Screening Room' Movie Release Scheme
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As a follow-up to a CMG post of March 15th, entitled 'Movie Exhibitors' Release Window Gets Shut' it appears that the Screening Room scheme of offering in-home movies day-and-date with cinemas has run into some stiff resistance.
NATO, the National Association of Theater Owners, issued a statement yesterday denouncing the Screening Room idea. Defending the notion that the traditional release schedule provides movies the ability to become an 'event' and not just another in-home pay-per-view option, NATO was having none of the Screening Room's proposal.
In a non-to veiled reference to the Screening Room plan, the theater owners group said, "NATO has consistently called on movie distributors and exhibitors to discuss, as partners, release models that can grow the business for everyone. These models should be developed in company-to-company discussions, and not by third parties."
CMG tends to agree with NATO. Why have a middleman? Cinema owners and the studios can work out a release model which takes into account the changing lifestyles of movie-viewers to the mutual benefit of both. Prediction: Screening Room will not see the light of day.
Seymour Flix
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Movies That Will Bomb This Year
As 2016 starts there have already been several real box office winners, 'Deadpool' and 'Zootopia', are the biggies. There has also been several major flops, 'Gods of Egypt' and the biggest bomb thus far, 'The Brothers Grimsby'. As I reviewed the film roster for the remainder of 2016 there are a number of pics that look very suspicious and could be potential box office dogs for exhibitors.
'The Huntsman:Winter's War' (April 22 release) - a prequel to 'Snow White and the Huntsman', this pic looks very much like it predecessor which although grossing over $400 million globally did not live up to expectations. So, watch this one carefully and don't bet the farm on it.
'Alice Through The Looking Glass' (May 27 release) - a sequel to Tim Burton's version of 'Alice In Wonderland', in this film, Alice returns to Wonderland and although the original made lots of money it got so-so viewer response. As I look through my looking-glass I see a lack-luster box office.
'Independence Day - Resurgence' (June 24 release) - the aliens who were soundly defeated in 'Independence Day' are back and badder than ever in this sequel. The original film debuted in 1996 so there has been a long delay in releasing a sequel; additionally, there was never any viewer clamor for a sequel. Although some of the original cast will reappear, Will Smith will not. Given all this, I think the box office will be iffy.
'The Legend of Tarzan' (July 1st release) - yes, the Tarzan saga continues and with a $180 million budget. It's hard for me to see how Tarzan can garner major box office bucks given it's stale subject and very stiff summer competition.
'Inferno' (October 28 release) - the third in the Da Vinci trilogy, Tom Hanks returns to run around Italy once again. I just don't see the draw for this pic being anywhere near what 'The Da Vinci Code' scored. This film is a stretch from the two previous pics, it's more of the same but of lesser quality.
So, there you have it. Exhibitors, be wary of these pics and don't bet on any of them being a box office bruiser.
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Biggest 'boink' of the year thus far |
'The Huntsman:Winter's War' (April 22 release) - a prequel to 'Snow White and the Huntsman', this pic looks very much like it predecessor which although grossing over $400 million globally did not live up to expectations. So, watch this one carefully and don't bet the farm on it.
'Alice Through The Looking Glass' (May 27 release) - a sequel to Tim Burton's version of 'Alice In Wonderland', in this film, Alice returns to Wonderland and although the original made lots of money it got so-so viewer response. As I look through my looking-glass I see a lack-luster box office.
'Independence Day - Resurgence' (June 24 release) - the aliens who were soundly defeated in 'Independence Day' are back and badder than ever in this sequel. The original film debuted in 1996 so there has been a long delay in releasing a sequel; additionally, there was never any viewer clamor for a sequel. Although some of the original cast will reappear, Will Smith will not. Given all this, I think the box office will be iffy.
'The Legend of Tarzan' (July 1st release) - yes, the Tarzan saga continues and with a $180 million budget. It's hard for me to see how Tarzan can garner major box office bucks given it's stale subject and very stiff summer competition.
'Inferno' (October 28 release) - the third in the Da Vinci trilogy, Tom Hanks returns to run around Italy once again. I just don't see the draw for this pic being anywhere near what 'The Da Vinci Code' scored. This film is a stretch from the two previous pics, it's more of the same but of lesser quality.
So, there you have it. Exhibitors, be wary of these pics and don't bet on any of them being a box office bruiser.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Movie Exhibitors' Release Window Gets Shut
Several of Hollywood's biggest film makers are backing the fledgling home-movie provider, Screening Room - as Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, JJ Abrams, Brian Glazer, and Ron Howard have joined others as investors in the venture.
Screening Room will offer its subscribers in-home movies for $50 at the same time (day-and-date) as they debut in cinemas. Subscribers will have 48 hours to watch the movies and there is a one-time charge of $150 for the set-top box that serves up the movies. Screening Room management's marketing strategy is to capture a middle-aged adult audience whose busy schedules make a trip to the cinema difficult.
To entice, both the studios and movie exhibitors, to support their scheme, Screening Room would pay as much as $20 of the $50 watch-fee to exhibitors. Additionally, subscribers would receive two free admission tickets to see a movie at a cinema, which further benefits exhibitors' and their concession sales. The studios, as distributors, would get a cut of the $50 per-view-fee as well (believed to be 20%).
Exhibitors have always been adamantly opposed to any shorting of the release window, particularly in regards to home-cinema schemes. Most exhibitors feel that a smaller window (or no window) of exclusive release drastically hurts their business.
The support of big-name film makers is a key for Screening Room in convincing exhibitors and studios to embrace their concept. Screening Room representatives have stated that they are close to a deal with the AMC theater chain (which will soon be the largest chain). Regal Entertainment, the other large cinema circuit, has stated that they will refuse to exhibit any movie that does not adhere to the current, roughly, 90 day exclusive theatrical release window. On the studio side, Universal, Fox, and Sony are studying the Screening Room proposal. Disney stated that they are not interested in the plan.
Representatives of the film-makers/investors declined CMG's request for comment on their Screening Room involvement.
Screening Room will offer its subscribers in-home movies for $50 at the same time (day-and-date) as they debut in cinemas. Subscribers will have 48 hours to watch the movies and there is a one-time charge of $150 for the set-top box that serves up the movies. Screening Room management's marketing strategy is to capture a middle-aged adult audience whose busy schedules make a trip to the cinema difficult.
To entice, both the studios and movie exhibitors, to support their scheme, Screening Room would pay as much as $20 of the $50 watch-fee to exhibitors. Additionally, subscribers would receive two free admission tickets to see a movie at a cinema, which further benefits exhibitors' and their concession sales. The studios, as distributors, would get a cut of the $50 per-view-fee as well (believed to be 20%).
Exhibitors have always been adamantly opposed to any shorting of the release window, particularly in regards to home-cinema schemes. Most exhibitors feel that a smaller window (or no window) of exclusive release drastically hurts their business.
The support of big-name film makers is a key for Screening Room in convincing exhibitors and studios to embrace their concept. Screening Room representatives have stated that they are close to a deal with the AMC theater chain (which will soon be the largest chain). Regal Entertainment, the other large cinema circuit, has stated that they will refuse to exhibit any movie that does not adhere to the current, roughly, 90 day exclusive theatrical release window. On the studio side, Universal, Fox, and Sony are studying the Screening Room proposal. Disney stated that they are not interested in the plan.
Representatives of the film-makers/investors declined CMG's request for comment on their Screening Room involvement.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
$1,200 To See A Movie !
Yes, a ticket for the upcoming film 'Assassin's Creed' (which is based upon the very popular video game of the same name) will cost you a cool $1,200.
In what is a first for a movie release, 20 lucky (?) individuals will receive a hand-made replica of a 15th Century crossbow - as is used in the movie for the $1,200 admission. The crossbow, along with other movie clone props will be sold for the movie's debut. A movie ticket and several temporary tattoos will set you back $15. Ticket and toy knife - $60 This is a first time an admission will include a product, and if successful will set the stage for many other movies to copy.
'Assassin's Creed' is a very lucrative gaming franchise. Fox and Ubisoft (gaming developer) want it to be a movie franchise as well. The release date for the movie is December 21st.
First released in 2007, 'Assassin's Creed' the original game has been followed by eight other franchise games, the last of which 'Assassin's Creed: Syndicate' was release in 2015. It will star Michael Fassbender and is being produced by Ubisoft Motion Pictures, Fox will distribute. The production cost for the movie is $200 million.
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$1,200 admission comes with crossbow |
In what is a first for a movie release, 20 lucky (?) individuals will receive a hand-made replica of a 15th Century crossbow - as is used in the movie for the $1,200 admission. The crossbow, along with other movie clone props will be sold for the movie's debut. A movie ticket and several temporary tattoos will set you back $15. Ticket and toy knife - $60 This is a first time an admission will include a product, and if successful will set the stage for many other movies to copy.
'Assassin's Creed' is a very lucrative gaming franchise. Fox and Ubisoft (gaming developer) want it to be a movie franchise as well. The release date for the movie is December 21st.
First released in 2007, 'Assassin's Creed' the original game has been followed by eight other franchise games, the last of which 'Assassin's Creed: Syndicate' was release in 2015. It will star Michael Fassbender and is being produced by Ubisoft Motion Pictures, Fox will distribute. The production cost for the movie is $200 million.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Hollywood's Problem With Politics
Why do Hollywood elites get involved in politics? I know everyone has there own 2-cents to throw in regarding the Presidential race but it seems the H'wood elites bend over backwards to get their views heard. From Clooney to Sasha Cohen the vociferous rancor is non-stop.
Like most social and financial elites, the Hollywood glitterati, are out of touch with the 'common man' - who doesn't earn in a lifetime what a Clooney earns for one movie. They don't feel the pain of the average person and console themselves by throwing a few bucks at charities or giving a fund-raiser for (mostly liberal) politicians who, they believe, share their kinder-gentler side. Then it's back to the LA compound, NYC apartment, European chateaux, or Carib retreat - having fulfilled their social obligation.
For those who throw fits just being photographed by the paparazzi criticizing Trump as a bigot, racist, Nazi, etc. shows how extremely transparent Hollywood stars can be. I guess they feel that by exposing their views they can sway others to their way of thinking. However, in this year's election, the voting is emotional rather then logical. For example, the two Democratic runners couldn't be farther from each other. Clinton gets the majority of her funding from Wall Street and Hollywood the very people Sanders hates and vows to tax into oblivion. On the Republican side is Trump, billionaire populist and would-be game-changer, Cruz, anti-government but senator, Kasich, who will completely revamp and fix everything in his first 100 days, and several others who are no more than cliches.
Any thinking person knows that all the bluster from the Presidential hopefuls is no more than forged rhetoric and in many cases down-right lies. They know that the IRS can't be eliminated, that Obama-care can't be scraped, that the 1%ers cannot be taxed at 90%, that abortion will never be ban, that racism (in all of its forms) will not end upon their say-so, that 11 million will not be deported (question is what about the next 11 million), or that the 17 year-old war with Muslims will end under their watch.
The problem with American politics is that the three branches of the U.S.government have control over almost nothing that matters. 75% of the Federal budget goes to entitlements and debt service, which are cast in stone. That leaves 25% for the bureaucracy to deal with and the two political parties to more or less fight about - but they are mostly on the same page regarding the military and security which leaves a few issues on the periphery to squabble about. And so it goes.
To all my Hollywood friends: relax and don't get yourself in a knot. Your status isn't threatened and your pontifications have little persuasion power. Just be content in the fact that you are working in a make-believe world and getting paid very well to do it.
Just saying,
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Can I sleep in the Lincoln bedroom next time? |
Like most social and financial elites, the Hollywood glitterati, are out of touch with the 'common man' - who doesn't earn in a lifetime what a Clooney earns for one movie. They don't feel the pain of the average person and console themselves by throwing a few bucks at charities or giving a fund-raiser for (mostly liberal) politicians who, they believe, share their kinder-gentler side. Then it's back to the LA compound, NYC apartment, European chateaux, or Carib retreat - having fulfilled their social obligation.
For those who throw fits just being photographed by the paparazzi criticizing Trump as a bigot, racist, Nazi, etc. shows how extremely transparent Hollywood stars can be. I guess they feel that by exposing their views they can sway others to their way of thinking. However, in this year's election, the voting is emotional rather then logical. For example, the two Democratic runners couldn't be farther from each other. Clinton gets the majority of her funding from Wall Street and Hollywood the very people Sanders hates and vows to tax into oblivion. On the Republican side is Trump, billionaire populist and would-be game-changer, Cruz, anti-government but senator, Kasich, who will completely revamp and fix everything in his first 100 days, and several others who are no more than cliches.
Any thinking person knows that all the bluster from the Presidential hopefuls is no more than forged rhetoric and in many cases down-right lies. They know that the IRS can't be eliminated, that Obama-care can't be scraped, that the 1%ers cannot be taxed at 90%, that abortion will never be ban, that racism (in all of its forms) will not end upon their say-so, that 11 million will not be deported (question is what about the next 11 million), or that the 17 year-old war with Muslims will end under their watch.
The problem with American politics is that the three branches of the U.S.government have control over almost nothing that matters. 75% of the Federal budget goes to entitlements and debt service, which are cast in stone. That leaves 25% for the bureaucracy to deal with and the two political parties to more or less fight about - but they are mostly on the same page regarding the military and security which leaves a few issues on the periphery to squabble about. And so it goes.
To all my Hollywood friends: relax and don't get yourself in a knot. Your status isn't threatened and your pontifications have little persuasion power. Just be content in the fact that you are working in a make-believe world and getting paid very well to do it.
Just saying,
Sunday, March 06, 2016
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AMC offers reclining seats in all auditoriums |
AMC management anticipates that the joined companies will lower combined operating costs by $35 million as they take advantage of increased scale.
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AMC's expanded concession menu |
As the largest circuit AMC management has stated that they may request the movie studios to allow them to offer movie premieres and/or special screenings before other exhibitors are allowed to screen them.
The consolidation of the movie exhibition industry continues, as the big get bigger. The purchase price per screen for the Carmike circuit is $376,000 - a premium price.
Wednesday, March 02, 2016
Where's The Cinema ?
Forget all the hubbub about Hollywood diversity and inclusiveness, it's the international box office that now matters most. The 2015 box office gross was about $40 billion - up 10% over 2014. Most of that gain came from outside the U.S. and provided the major studios with most of their profits - about 73% of total box office gross was generated outside the U.S.
For itself, pushed by 'Star Wars', 'Jurassic World', and 'Furious 7', the U.S. box office generated $11.1 billion, a 7% increase over 2014 but due principally to higher admission pricing as attendance was essentially flat for the year.
So, overseas is where the action was and will remain as the studios look for ways to meet the needs of overseas audiences. China's box office gross was $6.5 billion, a 50% growth over 2014 thanks to a combination of U.S. and Chinese movies. It is only natural that Hollywood is green-lighting more movies that have international appeal and cater to other countries tastes, leading to casting decisions to accommodate this change. The majors are also doing more joint production with foreign film companies to placate foreign audiences. Tentpole movies do very well in overseas markets. For example, 'Furious 7' generated 77% of its total gross outside the U.S..
International box office growth is all the more dramatic given that fact that it was bucking a very strong U.S. dollar, if the strong dollar was taken out of the exchange picture the global box office would have been much, much greater.
Screen count is up dramatically overseas. Last year there was a 6% increase in screen count globally reaching a total of 142,000. In China screen count was up a gigantic 40% to 32,000 screens.
In sum, the movie business is very much alive and well and there is no need for hand-wringing due to competition from other media platforms. Like many other things in the U.S., the cinema is static and needs rejuvenation - it is still numero uno but the international market is booming and that is where the growth in content production and box office will be in the future.
Just saying,
Jim Lavorato
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
'Dynamic Ticket Pricing' Is In Your Future

It seems now, that the plot has thickened, as this week Comcast's subsidiary Fandango (the online ticketing company) acquired Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes from Time-Warner - bringing two studios: Warner Bros. and Universal (also sub. of Comcast) together. Under the deal, WBs would retain an equity stake in Fandango.
Rotten Tomatoes, a website which aggregates film reviews and posts movie ratings fits in nicely with ticket selling sites. Fandango reaches about 40 million people per month while Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes attract about 19 million but serve different demographics. Amazon's IMBd, the #1 movie go-to site, attracts 73+ million visitors each month.
Under the Comcast/WB scheme, Flixster will no longer be selling movies but will focus on movie news and information (a la CMG). Fandango will continue to sell tickets but also increase its video and movie sales.
These acquisitions and restructurings are all part of what could be termed, 'the movie ticket life cycle'. The Comcast/Warners alliance will be competition for the Atom/Disney/Fox/Lionsgate venture and they both adopt the dynamic ticket pricing model. It's just a matter of time before Sony, MGM, and Paramount get on board.
You heard it first at CMG.
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