However, word has it, that not all the giftees are enthralled by their booty as the IRS says tax must be paid on the value of the swag - which in many cases, given the high incomes of the recipients, is over $100,000. So, the loot is culled by the Oscar hopefuls, keeping only the most precious and valuable and the rest given to charity. OMG I'm teary over the generosity of the glitterati.
This year's bounty includes such items as: CPR lessons, apples that don't turn brown when cut, a golden crayon, and lots of expensive get-aways. I should note that the Oscar swag bags are completely unaffiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
2017's bags are entitled, "Everyone Wins" and are delivered to the recipients the week prior to the Oscar ceremonies. Some of the more expensive items included:
- 15 day walking tour of Japan - $54,000
- 10 day, all expenses paid trip to Israel - $55,000
- 3 night stay at Lost Coast Ranch, CA for 10 guests - $40,000.
- 5 night stay at Koloa Landing, Poipu, Hawaii - $6,500.
- 1 week stay at the Golden Door Spa, CA - $8,800
- 3 night stay at the Grand Hotel Excelsior Vittoria, Sorrento, Italy - $5,400
- 3 night stay at the Grand Hotel Tremezzo, Lake Como, Italy - $5,700
Some off-beat stuff:
- Joseph Toilet Paper - $275
- Personalized M&Ms - $300
- Vampire Breast Lift - $1,900 (search me?)
- Park Clinic Plastic Surgery - $5,500
Best Gift, in my opinion:
- 10,000 meal donation to an animal shelter or rescue of choice - $6,300
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