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Monday, January 11, 2010


Completed in September, a survey undertaken by the Packaging Industry Digest (PID) reported that 66% of companies (across all products and industries) reported that customers are driving their sustainable decisions. However, the survey found that only 21% of companies have formal, written policies on sustainability. This points to a real disconnect between customers/consumers and companies' sustainable practices and policies. Additionally, a full 53% of companies reported they have no measurement tool in place to evaluate performance or track progress of their sustainable activities.

As a counterweight a whopping 93% of the companies surveyed stated that Green Washing - the deceptive use of marketing by companies to spin their products and policies as environmentally friendly - was an on-going problem in their purchasing decisions regarding sustainability.

The PID study which surveyed over 500 companies of various size further reported that 69% of companies expect to receive a return on their investment in sustainable upgrades and capital improvements. With 82% expecting a payback on their investment within 2 - 5 years.

When, not if, you begin planning for your company's sustainability contact the Arboreel Group* - which can assist, direct, provide follow-up, and quantify your progress, savings, and ROI.

*Arboreel Group - Designs, develops and certifies environmental sustainability programs and initiatives for cinemas and is managed jointly by Entertainment Equipment Corporation (entequip@aol.com) and Screentrade Magazine (screentrademagazine.com). Arboreel Group is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council and an EPA - EnergyStar participant.

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