The Academy has over 6,000 members and if you don't treat them right, well, tough luck. The new reality of the Oscars is: you have to pay-to-play. So, those of you in the entertainment world who are complaining about a lack of diversity ask yourself: How much was spent on 'promoting' my film?
Today, even the most jaded or inhibited of actors must partake in the wine and dine exercise with Academy members. For example, this year Paramount, Fox, and Universal 'invested' the most in their entries. "The amount of money being spent is outrageous, it's like a Presidential fund raiser", bemoaned one indie studio exec (who asked to remain anonymous). According to Academy rules, monies, in any amount, can be spent before nominations are announced. Once announced and the second round of voting starts, 'to ensure that no statue and be bought', no event can be held that serves food or drink. However, before the nominations, NYC-based Academy members were given Fox's 'The Revenant' treatment: breakfast at Monkey Bar, lunch at Le Bernardin, and dinner at the Harvard Club.
Now to cost. Smaller and indie studios can expect to fork-up $3 million to lobby Academy voters on their movies, the major studios will spend up to $10 million per entry. In this digital age, the personal touch is what is called for, so the studios "encourage" stars to take as many selfies as is required with Academy members. So, between TV spots, dinner parties, galas, and first-tier travel and accommodation expenses the monies add up with the majority being spent on voters in LA and NYC.
And then there are the Oscar consultants' fees. These folks pull-in tens of thousands for their "awards-whisperings and persuasion efforts". Their large fees being augmented by huge bonuses if 'their films' make the Oscar short-lists, receive a nomination, or get the big, gold statue. These consultants (the best of which is a group called, Top Oscar) produce highly detailed information and data on Academy members' opinions on various films - and they know who is voting and how to reach them.
So, those of you who want to boycott the Oscars due to lack of color remember to spend more next year - it may not get you a nom but it is a requirement, and make no mistake, it's green that counts- protestations get you nowhere.
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